Assigngment: Creative Programming

As second assingment, I choose to do the double assignment: Creative Programming.

I choose to do this assignment, because I wanted to be able to explore, prototype, create, and demonstrate innovative concepts and experiences using technology, which was a point of attention according to my assessor which I agree with. I agree with this point of attention, because I believe that using technology to explore, prototype, create, and demonstrate innovative concepts and experiences can lead to certian insights you wouldn't get if you didn't use technology. Things I expected to learn were:

  • - What is Processing
  • - What are the possibilities with Processing
  • - How do you work with Processing

Getting to understand processing went very good. I was able to quickly understand the program. That was because, processing looked very much on the Arduino programming environment. The most effort was put into learning the new language and how to properly build a program with it. Luckily, this also went very well. I am pleased with the end result of a little game I made as final deliverable, which I was able to make with the new learnt skills. The only aspect which didn’t go very well was the creative part of the assignment. The things I programmed where rather straight forward and “normal”. Maybe this was caused by the fact that I was more focused on how to write a working and efficient code rather than a creative code. Next time I will first think out carefully what I want to make before making it, so I could first focus on developing a creative concept. After that I am able to completely focus on programming this.

A short movie about what I made as final deliverable during my assingment

By following this assignment I learnt new ways to explore, prototype, create, and demonstrate innovative concepts and experiences using technology. I learnt all this by learning how to work with processing which is able to do all this. I also learnt how to properly write programs which are organized and efficient so that other people also understand your code.

My expectation, regarding the things I would learn, where met. I now know what Processing is, what you can do with it and what the basics are regarding to programming with processing. Also what I did not expect to learn was that you are able to combine processing with the Arduino to create a bridge between the reality and digital world. With this ‘’bridge’’ you are able to digitalize physical input and to convert digital output to physical output. For example a lamp which turns on by pressing an onscreen button.

The little game which I made as final deliverable.

The new skills which I learnt by following this assignment will be from great use during following projects. I am now able to create far more interactive concepts by combining the Arduino and processing to create a powerful (exploring) tool.

To develop this skill even more and to maintain this skill, regular working with this program is required. It’s like learning an actual language. You need to use it with some regularity to become good at it and to not unlearn it.

I am now, as a designer, able to tell my story better by using technology to help me tell this story. It makes it easier for me to explain and design my concepts to others. I think it is also offers me as a designer a way to make more people, better and quicker enthusiastic about a concept.