Integrating Technology


This competency is about integrating and using intelligent systems in the whole design process. This is an important competency because with integrating technology you can make intelligent and smart designs. Also exploring concepts with technology is an important factor of IT.

IT was one of the competencies I developed beyond the awareness level last semester, according to my assessor. This semester I choose to follow the assignment Creative Programing, because I like this competency and my assessor suggested looking at exploring in the ideation phase by using technology to approach a design case from a different perspective and in order to do that I need some knowledge on how technology works. During this assignment I learn all sort of new skills which now allows me now more to explore with using technology, so that I struggle less with finding out how technology works.

Following semester I want to try to explore with technology in the starting phase of a project. I also want to further develop myself in this competency by keeping on working with technology to get better in working with technology.