Social Culture Awareness
SCA is something which you need to take into account during the whole design process. Things like design, art, history, social trends and sustainability are very important factors which can influence your design greatly.
During my B1.2 semester is worked quite hard to develop this competency. I think it is one of the more difficult competencies to develop, while there aren’t that many concrete skills to learn. You can’t just learn SCA as you can do with IT where you can learn about very concrete technology.
With my study trip to Milano and the USE basic course I developed this competency. In Milano I learnt more about my own identity through comparing all kinds of different designers and their designs with each other to find out what I like or dislike. USE base gives me an opportunity to learn about ethics and engineering history and how this influences your work as a designer. I already experienced the importance of an ethical well designed product/service during my project. A concept which is free of ethical difficulties is a stronger concept and concept which is easier accepted and supported by user (U), society (S) or enterprise (E).
Coming semester (B2.1) is a semester I want to develop a concept which is ethical dilemma free. With the new knowledge gained by following and successfully completing USE base, this would be possible to do.